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Life insurance that's flexible to your needs. Permanent life.

Permanent coverage, with flexible premium, cash accumulation plus terminal and chronic illness benefits.

What is an index universal life insurance?

Universal life insurance gives you lifelong protection and cash value you can use for anything, plus the flexibility to adjust your policy along the way as your life and needs change. It lets you choose the amount of your death benefit and how much you pay in premiums, as well as when you pay them.

The living benefits of indexed universal life (IUL)

Cash Accumulation Value

Use it for anything, anytime, usually without owing taxes. You can help pay for an emergency, home repair, college tuition, even invest in your business, whatever you need. 

Critical, Chronic & Terminal Illness 

Critical, Chronic, Terminal Illness. If any terminal or chronic illness may come up you have access to the majority of the total death benefit. Also If any critical accident may happened you are also protected.

Flexible Death Benefit

You can start off with a specific amount to meet your current needs, but if things shift down the road, you have the option to increase or even change the type of death benefit (within limits) to fit your situation.

Flexible Premiums Payments

You get to choose how much you pay, and when, which can be helpful if your cashflow fluctuates. 

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